The Gallery 2
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More pics to look at!

Sana: Yami, what happened to your Duel Monster Cards?
Yami: I didn't have enough to play solitaire.
Sana: Oh? *sarcasm*
Yami: What am I saying? I couldn't play cards with Duel Monsters any way!
Sana: Yeah!!! *sarcasm*
Solitairy Yami
It almost looks like he's meditating! Breath Yami!
Relax Yami! Dream Yami!
Dungeon Dice Monsters! (DDM)
Yami plays a game of DDM.
Where are the crests?
We are one!
This picture is like a yin yang. Half is Dark (Yami) and the other half is Light (Yugi). Without the other, each of them is incomplete.
Friendship Group
Everyone is here except Mai! Why? Mai. Why? Hey that rhymns!
This pic of Yami Bakura is too evil!
It really scarys me! Notice that he has the same face as Kaiba here. Freaky huh?
Friends 4 ever 2
Friend ever! Don't ever sever!
Friends for ever! That rhymns,again.

The Gallery 2