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even more pics!
even more pics to look at!

Yami the Great!
This I belive is my largest just Yami, by himself picture!

Wow! Why is his hair so long in this picture?
Brothers Unite!
I think that 12 year old kaiba in this picture is just a memory. What do you think?
Standing outside the fire!
Joey rescuing yugi!
Poor Yugi!
Whose dog?
Whose dog is that? Anyways yugi is rescued!
Hooray! Is he is safe for now? Hmm?
Another Yami meditating pic!
I like this on better than the other one on photo page 2. It is different because of the stones in the background.
This pic is so simply quiet and peaceful!
Yugi is in trouble again!
Save him Joey! Save him!
A yugioh japanese anime comic cover of a magazine.
Amazing! The only colors here are red, yellow, green, blue and black! It's so cool that those 5 colors only, can make a great picture, like this one.
Hmm? What is this picture about?
Is it about pegasus, or yami, or kaiba? I can't exactly tell can you?
This picture is the same picture on the first page of the Janaury 2003 issue of the Shonen Jump!
It's a japanese anime magazine, that is one sale the 1st tuesday of every month in America and perhaps Japan.
Slifer the sky dragon!
I am not sure why kaiba on this cover. I belive it is because he wants it.
They are all playing games.
Notice on the tv screens are people not in the arcade. Let's see there are Mai, Kaiba and some unkwown person. Wait is that Tea? Or is it Mokuba? I have no clue.
This is a picture oF Yami vs Kaiba. It is a classic pic of their duels. I like it. Do you?

The Gallery 3